Back at a desk after spending three weeks mostly in bamboo huts.
Here I am back at the desk of my hotel room with two beds, a bathroom with a hot shower and western toilet, proper Internet access and electricity. When I sat in a similar room just three weeks ago I took all of that for granted. That is different now.
Only yesterday I finished my volunteering work at the Mirror Foundation and began my travel back to Bangkok. So right now I am feeling like residing in a level of luxury that is more than I would ever need. I guess that is a good starting point for the second part of my trip that is all about seeing more of Thailand and, well, relaxing.
Saying goodbye to all the people I shared the last awesome weeks with was quite emotional as we spent a lot of time together getting our hands dirty (actually, we were completely covered in mud at the end). My impression was the the group harmonized very well and everybody got on well together. As I am not sure if I said goodbye to everyone (it was getting late last night) I will repeat it here: It has been a great time with you all! I really enjoyed your company, both at work and at leisure time. I wish you all best of luck, whether you continue your work at the Mirror Foundation, travel through South East Asia or go back home. Take care and hopefully I will see some of you again soon!
Another side note: While my time as being a volunteer is over now, I intend to publish more articles about this whole experience as soon as I have some time for that.