Category Archives: Events
It is Spring time, and with that it is time for some color again! Now with my recent advances into analog photography, I do not have current pictures at the hand right now. However, I browsed through my older files and stumbled upon something that should fit perfectly right now.
Just a year ago on the first of May, the German Labor Day, I attended the “Weinlagenwanderung”. This is a very popular hiking trip around the area of Weinheim where thousands of people go for a hike and—maybe more importantly—taste all kinds of wine that is sold along the way. You normally start quite early with the tour, so around noon we all were quite exhausted already. We did not complete the whole tour, but we had fun spending the whole day in nature. And as you can see from the pictures, we were all but alone on our way.
Unfortunately, tomorrow I will not be able to attend the tour again. Instead, I am going to Nice, France, for another weekend trip! So if the weather is good there (and I hope it will be), you can expect more pictures of Spring time in France soon.