This busy bee was not the only one who was confused by the mild temperatures on Christmas Eve.
This busy bee was not the only one who was confused by the mild temperatures on Christmas Eve.
It is spring time! And with the leaves getting green and all kinds of flowers starting to bloom, it is time for pictures in color again. I took this set of pictures at a barbecue in the Luisenpark in Mannheim on a nice and sunny day. We even were visited by various animals, including a squirrel, geese, a peacock and this curious stork.
After spending far too many hours in front of the monitor I finally sorted all my pictures of my Thailand trip. I do not know if it is good or bad, but I came out with exactly 998 images… So now that they are processed and sorted I thought I could share a few more impressions of my trip.
The following series is from the Khao Yai national park. I went there for a one and a half day trip that you can book at various operators around the park. It all was pretty much organized but I still enjoyed watching all the different animals (mostly spiders and insects) and exploring the jungle atmosphere during a short trek we did.