Category Archives: Travel

My not so Daily Rhythm

IMG_2444When I started this blog, I intended to post just day-to-day events and pictures. As you can see there are some posts about Mannheim and some about my Band, Cabba Cabba. In recent times, I somehow started to do more excursions and vacations. I went to Oslo and Barcelona and did a hiking trip around the Edersee in the freezing cold. This all was not really “daily rhythm” and in the next weeks I definitely will break with the title of this blog.

This Wednesday, I will begin a six week long vacation in Thailand! These are two “firsts” for me. First, I cannot remember being on vacation that long. Second, I never left Europe yet. So why do this long and distant travel, you might ask. At first I somehow ended with a quite huge amount of vacation days available for this year. In order to “get rid” of them (not that this is a bad thing) I had to plan something big. Then I thought “why not go somewhere I never have been before?”. I studied the map and came up with South East Asia. I made this first decision based on recommendations from friends and driven by the thought that both the area and the culture would be something completetly new. After some more researching I ended up with Thailand as my travel destination. Although this problably is the mainstream country of the area, it should have enough exploration possibilities ready for me, as I do not know anything of it yet.

In the first weeks of my trip I will attend a group tour where we will travel to Thailand’s north. During this time, I will have to opportunity to discover the area, maybe do some hiking and get to know the hill tribes that live there. The second part of my trip is not fully planned yet, but I intend to do some “backpacking”, probably in the southern part of the country. You can see this is just a rough overview of the trip yet. This is more or less intended: I did not want to plan everything ahead and bring some spontaneity to this trip. As soon as I am in Thailand, there will be enough impressions and ideas where to go and what to see.

My plan is to post here regularly to keep you up-to-date. Of course I also want to use this trip to do more photography, so expect some images, too.

Now I will continue to work on my todo list that I want to complete before my departure (this post is one item of it. Check!) and slowly begin packing. So I guess I should get back to work now, as there are quite some things left to do. See you soon (or read, actually)!

Oslo in Analog Pictures

It has been a while since February, but at least the weather did not change much…

On my trip to Oslo I took an old analog film camera with me just to experiment a bit with it. The camera was a Revue SE-400, a rangefinder camera. The only comfort it has is a exposure meter and a coupled aperture automatic, but apart from that it is really all manual. I think I will not take too many more pictures with it right now, but it surely was a nice experience to load a film, focus manually and all of that.

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Edersee Hiking Trip

DSCF7393In the week after Easter I did a hiking trip around the Edersee, a reservoir lake in the area of Kassel. The forest around it, the “Kellerwald”, is a UNESCO world cultural heritage, because it is mostly untouched and slowly becomes a type of jungle. So it really is a nice place to hike. … well, in theory, at least. I guess as soon as the leafs are green and the temperatures are warm it is a fantastic place to be. Unfortunately, this both was not the case at the time I was there.

DSCF7405 DSCF7414 As you can see, big parts of the lake still were frozen and there was a lot of snow everywhere. On the other hand, I did met only very few people during this three day trip. In essence I can only recommend this area, but I you should decide to go there, wait until it is warmer (like right now, for example).DSCF7425 DSCF7450 DSCF7456 DSCF7473 DSCF7485 DSCF7498